Proposal for the next general assembly.
Official language for the articles is French
Under the name: Association for the Promotion of Robotics in Switzerland (Robot-CH). On January 16, 2002, a non-profit association was formed in accordance with articles 60 and next of the Swiss Civil Code (CC), giving a more formal aspect to an approach with precursor elements going back several years (in particular: first national final of the Eurobot Robotics Cup in Yverdon-les-Bains in 2000, and even the first event of this type in Switzerland in 1998).
The headquarters of the association is at Y-Parc, Rue Galilée 7, Yverdon-les-Bains (VD).
Its duration is unlimited.
The aims of the Association are :
To contribute to the knowledge of robotics and more particularly of educational robotics to the public, professionals, schools, clubs or companies, in Switzerland, in particular by organizing conferences, exhibitions, debates or by publishing articles.
To organize annually competitions such as the Swiss Robotics Cup (SwissEurobot) or the competitions in Switzerland of the FIRST Lego League (FLL). The Association may also apply for the organization of other events related to robotics.
To maintain contacts and exchanges with similar organizations in Europe, such as Eurobot, Planète-Sciences in France, Hands on Technology in Germany (HOT), or similar organizations in Switzerland. The association may become a member of other organizations pursuing compatible goals.
To promote, in a general way, robotics and technical sciences by encouraging all initiatives of reflection.
The bodies of the association are :
The general assembly.
The committee.
The specialized commissions, such as the organization commission of SwissEurobot.
The auditors of accounts.
The ordinary general assembly is convened, ten days in advance, by mail of the committee, at least once a year. It is chaired by the president of the committee.
An extraordinary meeting may be called at any time by the committee or at least 1/3 of the members, as often as the course of the association's business requires.
At the general assembly, each individual and collective member is entitled to one vote. Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the president has the casting vote. The general assembly is validly constituted, regardless of the number of members present.
The general meeting appoints the members of the committee. The mandates are for two years and are renewable.
The general assembly elects its president from among the members of the committee. The president's term of office is two years, renewable.
The general assembly is competent for :
Approving the management report, the budget and the accounts.
Adopting or modifying the statutes.
Confirming the admission of new members.
Reviewing or readjusting the membership fees.
Dissolving the association.
Taking the decisions that are reserved to it by law or the statutes.
Decisions are taken on the items on the agenda only, except in the case of an extraordinary meeting.
The committee is composed of five to nine members of the association appointed by the general assembly.
The committee organizes itself. It commits the association either by the individual signature of the president, or by the collective signature of two of its members. It is a member by right:
The delegate of the organizing committee of the Swiss Robotics Cup.
The delegate for relations with Eurobot.
The committee represents, directs and administers the association in accordance with the statutes, the law and the decisions of the general assembly. Its tasks are in particular :
Establishment of the budget and accounts.
Convening of the General Assembly and execution of its decisions.
Keeping the register of members.
Relations with the political, scientific or economic authorities of the country.
Organization of the Swiss Robotics Cup or other events in accordance with the statutes.
Relations with European partners, in particular with the organizers of the European Robotics Cup.
Pursuit of all that is in the interest of the association and which is not, by law or the statutes, the responsibility of another social body.
It meets as often as its specifications require. It may delegate part of its tasks to ad hoc committees open to participants other than the members of the committee alone.
The Organizing Committee of the Swiss Robotic Cup (CSR) organizes itself. It is led by a delegate, elected by the general assembly.
The CSR commission can add participants from outside the committee, give mandates, seek sponsors and financing within the framework of the organization budget accepted by the committee.
The CSR commission is in charge of the relations with the organizers of the other national cups and the European Robotics Cup.
The auditors are appointed by the committee. They are elected for a period of two years, and are eligible for re-election.
The auditors meet at least once a year, before the general assembly, in agreement with the treasurer of the association.
- The association is composed of individual and collective members. Membership is open to all those who express an interest in the purpose of the association, who pay the membership fee and accept the present statutes. Membership of the association is acquired only after payment of the annual membership fee.
- The amount of the membership fees is fixed by the general assembly.
- The application for admission is presented to the president or another member of the committee and can be made at any time.
- Membership lapses:
- By resignation, announced six months before the end of the fiscal year.
- By exclusion.
- By the death of the member.
- The committee may exclude a member without giving reasons for any of the following reasons:
- The member acts contrary to the interests of the association or to the fixed goal.
- The member does not pay his or her dues.
- He does not submit to the decisions of the committee or the general assembly.
The resources of the association are constituted by :
Membership fees.
Subsidies, grants.
Donations and legacies.
Sponsorship receipts.
- The total or partial revision of the present statutes may take place at any time on the initiative of the committee or at the request of one tenth of the members of the association or of one fifth of the members present at the general assembly.
- The revision is possible if two thirds of the members present at the general assembly accept it.
- The dissolution of the association can be decided in general assembly by a qualified majority of two thirds of the members of the association. The vote by correspondence is then admitted. Similarly, the non-return of a ballot paper corresponds to a vote in the sense of a two-thirds majority of the members present.
- In case of dissolution, the liquidation will be carried out by the committee then in office, unless the general assembly decides otherwise. If need be, the association's assets will be allocated to a work pursuing a public purpose.
- The original Articles of Association were adopted at the Constituent Assembly of January 16, 2002 and were amended at the Ordinary General Meeting of January 21, 2021, with immediate effect.
Translated with the help of DeepL