SwissEurobot 2025 - The show must go on !
This year the robots want to do even more competitions, more matches for more fun, but this comes with a cost. And to raise the necessary funds, some big charity concerts are planned: the Robot-Rock-Tour!But putting on a show is a lot of work and that’s why the robots are working extra hard to finish…
FLL 2024-25 Yverdon - SUBMERGED
Pendant la saison SUBMERGED℠, les équipes de la FIRST LEGO League utiliseront leur créativité et la technologie LEGO® pour explorer les différentes couches de l’océan et ramener leurs découvertes et idées à la surface, tout en « voyant » vers l’avenir. Les résultats sont disponibles sur cette page.
SwissEurobot 2024 - FARMING MARS 🌱
Join us on our journey to Mars, where our robots are hard at work ensuring that our astronauts won’t just land, but thrive, thanks to a self-sustaining greenhouse full of fresh produce. Want to help with the event? Join our volunteers Call for volunteers for SwissEurobot – Robot-CH In parallel to SwissEurobot, WRO regional contest…
FLL 2023-24 Yverdon - MASTERPIECE
Cette année, le concours SUPERPOWERED consiste à collecter des sources d’énergie sur le terrain et à les distribuer aux machines qui vont les consommer. Les points seront attribués lorsque les sources d’énergie seront prises ou déposées.
FLL 2022-23 Coupe de Suisse à Yverdon-les-Bains - Super Powered
Cette année, le concours SUPERPOWERED consiste à collecter des sources d’énergie sur le terrain et à les distribuer aux machines qui vont les consommer. Les points seront attribués lorsque les sources d’énergie seront prises ou déposées. Resultats YouTube replay
SwissEurobot 2023 - Cherry on the cake
Happy birthday, Eurobot contest! Grandma Monique wants to celebrate the event with a ton of cakes and she has asked you to help her to prepare them according to her legendary recipe and be sure that everyone has one of these fantastic cakes. Sponge cake, cream, icing and the famous cherry, are all the ingredients…
FLL 2022-23 Yverdon - Super Powered
Cette année, le concours SUPERPOWERED consiste à collecter des sources d’énergie sur le terrain et à les distribuer aux machines qui vont les consommer. Les points seront attribués lorsque les sources d’énergie seront prises ou déposées. Vous pouvez retrouver tous les résultats de la journée sur l’adresse:
SwissEurobot 2022 - Age of Bots
After many years of exploring the world and the universe, our friends – the robots – have decided to explore theirpast. In 2022, the robots will go to search the ruins of an ancient robotic civilization for the forgotten fragmentsof their origin. Our experienced archaeologists are expecting excavation squares, hidden treasures and sacred statues andnothing…
FLL 2021-22 Yverdon - Cargo Connect
Le défi CARGO CONNECTE de cette année consisteà ce qu’un robot livre une cargaison à plusieursmoyens de transport ou aux endroits ciblés sur leterrain. Le robot doit activer des modèles de missionqui représentent la sécurité, l’efficacité, les escales etl’accès aux transports.
FLL 2020-21 Yverdon - RePLAY
Vous n’êtes pas entré sur le terrain juste pour jouer. Vous êtes venu pour faire tourner les tables. Pour redéfinir, pour révolutionner, pour changer la façon dont le jeu est joué. Votre heure est venue. Il est temps pour nous de révolutionner la façon dont nous jouons et bougeons. Il est temps de changer le…
SwissEurobot 2021 - Sail the world
Prepare to set off on the high seas. In 2021, robots will explore the oceans and master the fine art of sailing. You can rely on lighthouses and buoys to orient your ships. Plan your trip and bring us back stories of your journey. May the winds blow in your sails! Live stream on YoutubeLive…
FLL 2019-20 Yverdon - City Shaper
Chaque année, un thème est choisi, et plus de 200’000 enfants dans le monde travaillent sur les missions et recherchent des solutions en rapport avec le thème en question.
SwissEurobot 2019 - Atom Factory
150 years ago Dmitri Mendeleev revolutionized our understanding of the matter, by taking a giant leap forward to sciences once he published his work on the classification of elements.Few new atoms were discovered since he first published his work, guaranteeing Mendeleev’s precision!Discovering new atoms can be a difficult task and often requires complex experiments.Today, we…
SwissEurobot 2018 - Robot Cities
75 years ago, Isaac Asimov created the 3 laws of robotics: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect…
SwissEurobot 2017 - Moon Village
In March 2016, ESA (European Space Agency) has revealed its Moon Village project which willtake place in 20 years. The goal is to build a permanent plant on the Moon surface with resourcesgathered in situ. An international collaboration program will bring together the knowledge andcompetencies over multiple disciplines of all the countries involved. The Moon…
SwissEurobot 2016 - Beach Bots
After an intense year spent on film sets, the robots take some holidays. Fishing, sandcastles and shells are on the agenda . Before taking the plunge, do not forget to check your flags!
SwissEurobot 2015 - RobotMovies
Becoming a movie star isn’t easy: acting isn’t enough! The robots will experience it this year, and willhave to show us their multiple talents in an extraordinary shoot.
SwissEurobot 2014 - Prehistobot
This year, robots go back in time to discover prehistory! In this hostile environment, they will need to have strategy and courage to complete the tasks that lie ahead…
SwissEurobot 2013 - Happy Birthday !
This year, robots want to celebrate their birthday in an unforgettable way. For this purpose, a set of actions will be proposed in order to score as many points as possible with their guests.
SwissEurobot 2011 - Chess'Up !
This year we are playing chess, sort of. As we’re playing a special kind of chess …In our chess game you can stack the pawns to have more points.